Danielle Walker is my generation's Martha Stewart. I like to think of us as neighbors as she lives somewhere in the Bay Area. I recommend her recipes and cookbooks often during my sessions.
I am going to take you through the cookbook Celebrations- which walks you through the year of food with American traditions and holidays. To purchase, shop here:
The carrot cake on page 102 has carrots and sweet potato in it...Various grain free flours, and a lemony flavor. YUM.

A family staple is found on page 143- the Mini Corn Dog Muffins. In my book, you will read "Always make a double batch!"

I use her brined and roasted turkey recipe found on page 249. Using dry white wine and all of the fresh herbs make it unique and flavorful.

My last recommendation is her Gingersnap cookies, found on page 307. They are divine- using honey for sweetener & cashew flour for chewiness. They are so tasty.

Purchase this gluten free, dairy free, and grain free cookbook using this link. You won't be dissapointed.
(Photos taken by me from the cookbook originally photographed by Erin Kunkel).